About The VTTA

The Veterans Time Trials Association promotes time trialling for those aged 40 and over. Cycling including time trialling is becoming an increasingly popular sport and the VTTA provides events and competitons that allows those over 40 to compete on a' level playing field' through its unique handicapping system of age adjustments.

The VTTA is organised  into 16 regional groups based around geographical areas. There is a National Executive Committee that manages the overall organisation in line with its Constitution, Rules & Regulations.

We organise National Championship events, season long competitions, national age records and the individual challenge of competing for standatrd awards.

Each group organises local time trial events, competitions and trophies and social events.

You can also find below details of our National Executive Committee, and various Forms and Documents that support membership and the running of the organisation.

If you are new to time trialling and want to find out more about the sport then look at About Time Trialling and the Time Trialling FAQs.

To Join, click here


The VTTA owes a debt of gratitude to the late Les Lowe, whose generous legacy enabled the creation of this website. Read more about Les here.